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Nurture, Nourish, & Empower
Your Soul with New Pure Love Light Solar Intelligence.
Create Everything In Your Life
with Pure Potentials of Pure Love
to Empower Your Creator Heart Coherence



Tune In to Activate Your Creator Heart Coherence and Communication Chakras.

Jayne Mason Channel and Author, will Be Sharing Pure Love Wisdom for Pure Fun.

Each Podcast will include New Creation Angel Channels and New Love Light Solar Intelligence Meditations and Breathwork that will Stretch Your Creator Heart Muscles.

All of this and more... 

for Living in Oneness with Gaia and Leaving Our Pure Fun Prints on Earth
and throughout the Cosmos of Joy.

Creation Angels
Now on Amazon

Please Note* These Channels are in their pure state and have not been changed by editors.

You have pure love and pure awareness, and that Is all that Is required to understand these messages from the creation angels.

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New Book Release Mothers Day

11th May 2025.

Pure kindness was full of surprises every morning when I sat down to write it. I was captivated and breathless in moments of infinite pure potential showing me what is truly possible with pure core love wisdom in abundance. The Angels and Sun Star Elders can shine the light on your eternal journey with pure love for your Soul to Thrive in. My hopes are for everyone who reads it, to return to the pure love that sees them with the eye of oneness, just as I did.

Love to All

Jayne mason

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Briliiant Boundaries AffirmationS to Live In Your Heart Think with Your Soul paperback .jp
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Purchase your copy on Amazon


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Global Online Sessions, NEW PURE KINDNESS HEALING IN THE DIAMOND LIGHT, THE SMART PATH FOR NEW LIGHTWORKERS AND AUTHORS, PURE FUN Love Wisdom PODCAST, Meditations, New Earth Love Light Solar Intelligence Channeling & Activations, New Earth Creation Angels Book Series, Cosmic Joy Ascension Guidance, JoyKi Cosmic Evolution with Pure Energy Mastery Course, Cosmic Joy Publications, Books, Resources, Workshops.

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